Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Increasing Your Immune System Health

Are you or someone you know getting sick on a regular basis? If you got the cold or flu this can be an indication that your immune system is not functioning at 100%. There are several reasons why this can happen.

  • Lack of Sleep
    Make sure you are getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night

  • Stress - Find out how to manage your stress by clicking on the link

  • Diet - Link to CNN.com "Follow this eat-right plan to fortify your immune system"
    Eating healthy is important in staying healthy. These tips come from CNN.com. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables. Your diet should be high in vitamins such as Vitamin A, C, E, selenium, iron and zinc. Choose protein low in fat as well as healthful fats.

  • Lack of exercise
    People that lead sedentary life styles report more colds than those who exercise regularly

There are numerous correlations between chiropractic care and increased function of the immune system. According to Dr. George Ellwanger, upper cervical chiropractor "Researchers now know that there is a critical link between the body's central nervous system and the immune system. Something chiropractic researchers have been aware of since the 1918 flu epidemic, when it was found that the rate of chiropractic patients that got the flu was less than half that of non-chiropractic patients." The nervous system controls every organ, cell and tissue in your body. If your nervous system is not working at 100% then neither is your body. Regular upper cervical chiropractic checkups can insure that your nervous system is functioning at 100%. For more information on upper cervical chiropractic please visit thespecific.com.